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Cajun Shoppe Gift Certificates

We know that the finding the perfect gift isn't always easy.

Why not give your self a break, let them decide.

To order a Gift Certificate:

1.Decide on the amount, and add to cart.

2.Follow the instructions, like on a regular order.

3.Put the recipients name and address in the comment box.

4.That's it, your done.


Information on Gift Certificates

*Certificates can be redeemed by phone, fax, e-mail, or online

*Gift certificates are sent via the USPS

*Each certificate comes with a paper catalog, a CD catalog, and easy to follow instructions

*Any balances left on certificate can be used for a later purchase

*Certificates are sent anywhere in the Continental U.S. free of charge

*Any international orders will be subject to small additional charge

Phone 1-337-477-1591 11:00 AM-7:00 PM M-F Central time
Fax 1-337-477-0298 24 hours a day, every day.

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